How to use Dodge tool in Photoshop cc version - Photoshop Tips & Tricks

Retouching tools

  1.Dodge tool (O)
  2.Burn tool (O)
  3.Sponge tool (O)

Dodge tool (O) :

     This tool is used to lighten the image. You think the Image is over darken then use the Dodge tool to lighten the image.

Burn tool (O) :

     This tool is used to darken the image. You think the image is over brighten then use a burn tool to reduce brighten.

Sponge tool (O) :

      This tool is used to desaturate and saturate the image. Desaturate is like a black and white image. saturate is like a bright image.

Note :

      If you work any type of work, firstly duplicate the layer and work it. It's use full to without any damages on an original photo.
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