How to create a Vertical Photo Collage in photoshop cc version

                    How to create a Vertical Photo collage

In this method, you have created more photos for memories. The purpose of the photo collage for multiple images arranged into a single photo.

Step 1:
Create new document (Ctrl + N)
  Orientation= Landscape

Step 2:
Add Guides, Go to View->New guide Layout comes into a pop window for choose column and Row.
In this vertical collage use only columns.
  Columns: 06
  Gutter: 00

Step 3:
Choose multiple images and open into photoshop
Go to File->Open or Ctrl + O 

Step 4:
Select the Rectangular marquee tool (M) and draw around the vertical selection.

Step 5:
Right-click then select fill color or go to Edit->Fill and layer via cut or copy 
(Shift + Ctrl + J) or (Ctrl + J)

Step 6:
Select the image and copy the image
Go to Select->All (Ctrl + A)
Go to Edit->Copy ( Ctrl + C)

Step 7:
Paste the image 
Edit->Paste special->Paste into

Step 8:
Resize the image and fit the vertical

Step 9:
Again repeat the steps 4,5,6,7,8

Step 10:
Apply, the strokes in 2px in the center and copy layer style to apply all layers

Step 11:
Copy layer style and select all layers, then paste layer style.

Step 12:
Create a new layer and select rectangular marquee tool draw around the document apply stroke you want a size

Step 13:
Add new adjustment layer to a solid color, blending to color, opacity is changed into 15% to 20%

Step 14:
Finally done the work.

Output is,


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